22 Dec 2016 Hour 19:00
Palazzo Marin

JAZZ Venice Evening

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Venice Jazz Evening

An unforgettable experience, immersed in art and history, listening to music of the highest level and tasting a good gourmet dinner.
Together, conviviality.

This is the concept of Venice Music Gourmet, the only event that combines the excellence of Italian gastronomic tradition to that of the music performed by musicians of international level.

Dinner in four courses will be served buffet in the two rooms of the tapestries by our maitre: each dish contains the flavor of the season and tradition being the same day by our chefs with seasonal produce and 0 km; They are available on request menus for celiac, vegetarian or other dietary itolleranze.
To accompany the dishes, there will be delicate wines selected by our sommelier.

To follow, in the main hall, will begin the concert "The most beautiful Italian songs" with Marco Ponchiroli (piano and arrangements), Alvise Seats (bass) and Alessia Obino, voice exclusively for this date.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Reservations required on www.venicemusicgourmet.it/partecipa
For information please contact us via email (contatti@vencemusicgourmet.it) or by phone (+39391 3592959).

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