13 Jan 2017 Hour 19:00
Hotel Bauer

Helga Plankensteiner

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Helga Plankensteiner
jazz, swing, boogaloo

Helga Plankensteiner: Baritone Sax & Voice
Michael Lösch: Organ
John Arman: Guitar
Paul Map: Battery

The new quartet of baritone saxophonist and singer Helga Plankensteiner sound standards and original songs from his latest musical productions.
In 2013 he was named by the magazine Musica Jazz TOP JAZZ among the best new talent.

The new quartet of sax and baritone singer will play standards and originals from its last music production.
On2013 sha Has Been Recognized by Top Jazz Magazine as One of the best new talent.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Supplement of € 9.00 on the first drink minimum price.

Landline: +39 041 520 7022
Mobile +39 389 124 0362

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