29 Dec 2016 Hour 21:00
Ai Biliardi

Egle Sommacal

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Egle Sommacal debuted in the early eighties with a group called Rubble, then moved to Bologna in 1992 he joined the Max Volume with whom he plays for four discs until 2001, the year the group disbanded. From 2002 to 2004 he collaborated with post rock group Italian-French of Ulan Bator.

In 2007 he published Unhip records his first solo test, called Wood. The disc is entirely instrumental and played with only acoustic guitar. Two years later, again for Unhip records, he recorded the second album, Tanto Not Arriva, focused on Dixieland and blues where, to his electric guitar, is accompanied by a horn section, including saxophones, trumpets and trombones.

In 2008 he participated in the Pontiac engravings, story of a revolt, digital audio book with essays by Wu Ming 2 and illustrations by Giuseppe Camuncoli and Stefano Landini.

In November 2014 he released his latest work, The sky is darkening, accompanied by a long Italian tour.

In 2016 accompanies Wu Ming Contingent in their concerts, replacing Wu Ming 5, that in June of the previous year has left the collective.


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