Always Summer For Awai
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- 20:00: concert Friedrich Micio
Awai The garden will be open from 19 hours with an exhibition of works by Denis Diosanto
Friedrich Puss (Enrico Milani: cello, objects; Matthew Minotto: bassoon, percussion; Peter Pontini: violin, tools) is an acoustic trio that features original music, compositions characterized by experimentation, improvisation and drama, poised between the popular approach, and the most serious, between craft and art, between structure and chaos, harmony and dissonance between a sigh and a belch. The trio has performed for the Biennale of Art in Venice and has assets of concerts in northern Italy and in France.
He has scored one StivalaccioTeatro show produced by the company with which we must and will be staged in various stages.
Denis Diosanto: "as human being i like working on things That I believe are doing some beauty to the world, helping people to be free and authentic, to share love.As graphic designer dedicated my work for the causes, endeavors, music bands, theather, circus and activists.This colection of illustrations in just one color is a series os drawings that i made through the years of 2009 and 2016, to set out and posters to be printed using screend print techiniques.Some of them you seed figures of woman , animals and spiritual beings. it is part of a inpirational process of drawing symbols or messages. I am part of the artistic scene of Sao Paulo, Brazil, That is trying to live and think better ways to explore and be part of the city. I am taking this work to Europe to exchange and show a part of what we are doing here, to serve as inspiration for other artists in the world. Hope you like it ".
Self-financing event reserved for associated Awai.
E 'can subscribe your membership on site.
For Awai evening adheres to Venice Calling 2016
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