Above The Tree
Live acoustic performance
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Metricubi is happy to host in his ABOVEtheTREE space, music project of Mark Bernacchia.
The stage will be all over her for an intimate and acoustic live, unique and experimental as every performance.
The exhibition will be framed dall'allestimento designed and built specially for the occasion by Fronde.
At the bar there will be a selection of cocktails to autumn grasses with tasting and preparation shared or tea and hot teas.
Above the Tree is a research on sound / rumoristiche potential obtainable by musical instruments.
OndaRock writes of him: "An avant-garde experimentation and sound mystification, which has cleared through customs in our days of lo-fi concepts and room-recording, flooding the underground market of a dense network of projects and cross-collaborations, again all well delineated and characterized. "
For example the one with the drummer E-side, which led to the creation of the last album - Riot - of which we strongly recommend listening.
Set up by Fronde.
Event organized in collaboration with AnotherGreen.
Free admission before 21:30
after irresponsible contribution € 4
concert starts at 21:30
Private members Arci
Info: metricubi@gmail.com
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