The Quartetto di Venezia: The quartets of Ludwig van Beethoven's String
Concert series | 23 April to 19 November 2016
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The Giorgio Cini Foundation, in collaboration with the Quartetto di Venezia and the association Asolo Musica, has programmed the complete performance of the quartets of Ludwig van Beethoven in six concerts open to the public and distributed over the course of 2016, from 23 April to November 19, 2016.
The goal is to offer to the public, with particular attention for the citizens of Venice, art of exceptional quality experience in the new auditorium of the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, obtained thanks to a highly successful restructuring in Squero, the ancient ' shop 'for the repair of vessels built on the island on the occasion of the historic restoration of the fifties of the last century.
The Quartetto di Venezia is an ensemble known throughout the world for the refinement of his performances and is considered by many critics and experts one of the best string quartets of our country. Composed entirely of Venetian musicians, it also stands for initiatives to promote the quality of executions in the lagoon city. This cycle also sets itself the aim of starting a multi-year project aimed at the creation of a permanent exhibition in Venice dedicated to the string quartet: review that constitutes the years a point of reference at international level and providing in addition to the concerts the organization of master classes, courses and training seminars.
Through collaboration with the Quartetto di Venezia and the Association Asolo Musica, the Giorgio Cini Foundation is thus proposed to strengthen, with an appropriate proposal to the tastes of both specialists as well as those of a wider audience of educated users and fans of the music alive, the already strong bond with the city.
PROGRAM June 25, 2016
Quartet in Eb Major op.74 "The Harp"
Quartet in C minor op.18 # 4
Quartet in B flat major Op.130
PROGRAM September 17, 2016
Quartet in G major op.18 # 2
Quartet in F minor op.95 "Serioso"
Quartet in C-sharp minor, Op.131
PROGRAM October 22, 2016
Quartet in E-flat major Op.127
Quartet in C major, op.59 # 3 "Rasumovsky"
PROGRAM November 19, 2016
Quartet in B flat major op.18 # 6
Quartet in F major op.59 n.1 "Rasumovsky"
Quartet in F major Op.135
Auditorium Lo Squero
Ticket: € 25, € 10 Reduced (reserved for students under 26)
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