From 24 Nov 2016 to 25 Nov 2016
Teatro Malibran


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Goffredo Petrassi
Partita for orchestra

Zoltán Kodály
Galántai Táckok (Dances of Galanta)
Andante maestoso
Allegretto moderate
Andante maestoso
Allegro con moto pretty
Andante maestoso
A bit less stired
Allegro vivace
Andante maestoso
very lively Allegro

Antonín Dvorák
Symphony no. 8 in G major, Op. 88
Allegro con brio
Allegretto grazioso
Allegro ma non troppo

Director: Henrik Nánási
Orchestra of the Teatro La Fenice

Insights on the music program of the concert:
The concert on November 24, 2016 will be preceded by a free admission meeting
with the musicologist Roberto Mori, which starts at 19:20 at 19.40 hours will present the musical program.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Tickets are available at all branches of Banca Popolare di Vicenza, in stores sailing in Venice Teatro La Fenice Unica, Piazzale Roma,
Socket, Railway, Piazza San Marco, Rialto line 2, Academy, Mestre and one hour before the show in box office of Teatro Malibran
Ticket phone: (+39) 041 2424 - Ticket online:
(Presale fee 10%)

STALLS: and 60.00 - BALCONY: DA and 50.00 A and 60.00
CENTRAL STAGE: DA and 45.00 A and 60.00 - STAGE SIDE: DA and 30.00 A and 45.00
GALLERY: and 28,00 - gallery: 20.00 and

Thursday, 24 November 2016 20:00 Round S
Friday, 25 November 2016 20:00

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E.g., 19/02/2025

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