31 Jan 2017 Hour 20:00
Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista

Bennewitz Quartet

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Jakub Fišer, violin
Štěpán Ježek, violin
Jiří Pinkas, purple
Stepan Dolezal, cello


Antonín Dvořák (1841-1904) - Quartet in G major, Op. 106 (1895)
Franz Schubert (1797-1828) - Quartet in D minor, D 810 -
"Der Tod und das Mädchen"

Founded in 1998 by musicians from the Czech Republic, the quartet is named after violinist Antonín Bennewitz (1833-1926), a key figure in the creation of the Czech violin school.
In 2003 the Queen of Spain has conferred the degree of the Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía in Madrid.
The musical repertoire to be performed is carefully chosen and will actively promote Czech music, including the excellent programs but neglected composers such as L. Dusík, A. Rejcha, P. Haas, V.Ullmann, E. Schulhoff, etc.
Finally, the Quartet is regularly invited to renowned international music festivals such as the Salzburg Festival, the Prague Spring Festival and the Lucerne.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Full price: € 25.00
Reduced: € 20.00
Under 30: 10,00 €

Where to buy tickets:
1. An hour before the show at the Scuola San Giovanni Evangelista
2. On-line tickets (10% rights) www.venicechambermusic.org
3. Phone ticket (+39) 041 2424 (10% rights)
every day until the day before the show, from 9:00 to 18:00
4. Points Venezia Unica

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