Collateral event
Established a point here is raised a balloon with the features of the terraqueous globe. With the inscription: WITHOUT EARTH that he runs all around. So that this will become a signal for those who do not have their own land, a place where to rest, a place to meet, a place to discuss, a place to relate. At the foot of the attack "" balloon there will be a "milestone" or a bench inscribed with all the names of the artists that make up the project EARTH WITHOUT alphabetically without any indication that qualifies them as a sculptor function, painter, photographer , musician, writer or whatever you want. Only names and surnames as human beings who have cleared the social function.
In an agreed upon and fixed point, an aerostat with the features of a terraqueous world map is raised. It will show the writing WITHOUT LAND That keeps rotating around itself. It will be a sign for all who do not have a Land of Their Own, a place where to pause, a place where to meet, to converse and argue, to relate with others. At the bottom of the aerostatic balloon, a plate will be Placed with the inscription of all the names of the artists Participating in the project WITHOUT LAND. The names will be in alphabetical order but without mention of the functions and activities as sculptor, painter, photographer, musician, literatus or whatever else. There Will Be only names and last names of human beings who have zeroed Their social functions.
Promoter: AIAP (International Plastic Arts Association)
May 27 to September 30 (balloon up to 30.06)
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Orari e date
9:00-20:00 Tue
9:00-20:00 Wed
9:00-20:00 Thu
9:00-20:00 Fri
9:00-20:00 Sat
9:00-20:00 Sun
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