From 14 May 2016 to 31 Jul 2016
Ca' Pesaro

Wild flax. A second Belle Époque

Lino Selvatico ca' pesaro


The exhibition Lino Selvatico. A second Belle Époque, from 14 May to 31 July 2016 Ca 'Pesaro - International Gallery of Modern Art, begins with the desire to enhance the collections in the museum were transferred through the intelligent work of acquisition at the Biennale by the municipality from Venice.

The exhibition part of the scope of the most well-known painter, was born in Padua in 1872 and died in Biancade (TV) in 1924, or the images of the female and some masterpieces preserved in the collections of Ca 'Pesaro, like gray 1903 Riding Hood, the Portrait of the Countess Annina Morosini in 1908 and Mother and son in 1922. At the center of the retrospective - that is realized with the scientific direction of Gabriella Belli, curated by Elizabeth Barisoni - twenty-five works spanning the artistic career of the Wild: a small selection but precious, which highlights the issues and the artist prevailing interests.

Through a path divided into three sections Women, Family and Model, which take as many themes explored by Wild during his long and prolific career, the exhibition will be a unique opportunity to discover some masterpieces of the collection of Ca 'Pesaro, in a sometimes surprising comparison with the production works unless the author notes. Thus shows a great depth artist, which explains the most famous aspects, such as large-format portraits for the Venetian and Milanese high society, but also lesser-known episodes, however, linked to the imaginary and the visual culture of the Belle époque.

The exhibition is accompanied by a catalog published by LSWR GROUP (Milan, 2016), edited by Cristiano Sant, with contributions of Elizabeth Barisoni, Silvia Borsetto, Clarissa Coidessa, Irene Source, Sergio Marinelli, Michela Miraval, Giovanna Niero, Ivano Sartor and Nico String, which represents a significant upgrade of historical studies, and a more precise location of some important aspects of life and the artist's production.



The name of Lino Selvatico (Padova 1872 - Biancade, Treviso 1924) binds in glove to Venetian history in the twentieth century horse and the birth of the Biennale: one of the promoters of the event is just the artist's father, Richard, figure reference for the city's political and mayor from 1890 to 1895. the living room of the Wild is inspired by the elegant aristocracy fin de siècle, combined with the literary and artistic world, by Luigi Nono to Caesar Laurenti, up to that of the theater. Undertaken the painting road, after studying Law studies, Lino debut at the Biennale in 1899 and participated in almost all the subsequent editions: through this continuous visits, the artist is placed early in the line of renewal which, from England to 'Ireland, from Spain to France, characterize the first editions of the event. Set aside both the realist influences both the symbolist influences, Lino Wild becomes the main contact for the Venetian portraiture, helping to renew this kind by comparison with European taste and the examples offered by the English painting of the eighteenth century. The best-known author's masterpieces are definitely large portraits that he realizes for the Venetian and Milanese high society and in which infuses an imaginary and a visual culture closely linked to the Belle Epoque. The bulk of this production is concentrated around the female figure and as a "painter of women" Lino emerges since the Biennale of 1903, with the depiction of the actress Irma Gramatica and Ms. Coletti. Moving to Milan in 1918 allows him to enlarge the client that includes the characters more in view of the high society, art and theater, and the protagonists of social and cultural life of the time. Its activity is celebrated several times by the Biennale, which devotes individual exhibitions in 1912 and 1922, in addition to the important retrospective tribute of 1926. Wild Lino dies, following a motorcycle accident, July 25, 1924.

Entrance fee
Informazioni aggiuntive


  • Full price: 10,00 €
  • Concessions: 7.50 €

Free for citizens and residents in the Municipality of Venice

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E.g., 16/02/2025

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