An exhibition entitled "Venice, the Jews and Europe", organized on the occasion of the fifth centenary of the institution of the Ghetto of Venice, aims to describe the processes that underlie the creation and the birth of the first "fence" for the Jews created the world, but at the same time intends to broaden its look at the relationships established with the context of the other Jewish neighborhoods (and not only) Italian and European.
The aim is to highlight the richness of relations between Jews and Venice, between Jews and civil society in different periods in the long history of their stay in the lagoon, in the Veneto area and in the European and Mediterranean area. Not just a specific area of investigation work of the three ghettos, but also a reflection on the cultural and linguistic relations, the craftsmanship and the trades, that the Jewish community has shared with the Christian population and other minorities in a center merchant of extraordinary importance which was precisely was Venice during the Serenissima.
The idea of starting the project is in fact the history of the institution of the Ghetto should be studied in the context of more general management by the Venetian Republic of national, ethnic and religious minorities living in the capital city of a 'world economy', as he called the historian Fernand Braudel. But it is also to explain how these relationships will be gradually extended to a much wider geographical area and have persisted over time adapting to the social and cultural policy changes.
Location: Venice, Palazzo Ducale, the Doge Apartment
An exhibition produced by the City of Venice Civic Museums Foundation of Venice
With the support committee "The 500 years of the Venetian Ghetto", the Jewish Community of Venice
Edited by Donatella Calabi
- Full € 19
- Reduced € 12
Free for residents and those born in the City of Venice
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Orari e date
8:30-19:00 Tue
8:30-19:00 Wed
8:30-19:00 Thu
8:30-19:00 Fri
8:30-23:00 Sat
8:30-23:00 Sun
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