Collateral event
The exhibition presents a unique combination of architects from six continents. They want to show developments and reflections in the international context of contemporary architecture, presenting architects with different cultural backgrounds and in different stages of their careers; what they have in common is the dedication to architecture in the broadest sense of the term, an issue that is declined in many variations through the concepts of Time, Space and Existence. Architects should have greater awareness of the impact that their choices have on living beings and the environment in which we live. This exhibition thus aspires to broaden the awareness of our own existence as human beings living within a specific space and time.
The exhibition presents a wide range of individual approaches and presentations (models, concepts, research results, dreams, hopes and ideas), where more traditional installations on architecture dialogue with unexpected artistic elements. The projects are both site-specific direct origin by the firm.
Each of the three locations has its own specific atmosphere. The Palazzo Bembo rooms are home to mainly individual presentations of architects such as Peter Eisenman, Curt Fentress, Woha, Studio Razavi as well as research projects of 'University of Arkansas. With its typical Venetian style, Palazzo Mora preseterà a wide variety of projects including the work of Denise Scott Brown, the University of Sydney, Auckland and MIT. Palace Rossini host 'a wide PRESENTATION made by the study German GMP Architekten and AAC Academy.
Through different projects and approaches to architecture, this exhibition aims to stimulate the viewer, individuals within a specific space and time, a deep awareness of their own existence.
The exhibition Time Space Existence presents architects from 6 continents brought` together in an extraordinary combination. It shows current developments and thoughts in international architecture, presenting architects with different cultural backgrounds and in different stages of Their careers, what they have in common is Their dedication to architecture in the broadest sense of Their profession, presenting architecture through a focus on the concepts Time, Space and Existence. Architects Should be very conscious about the impact Their activities have on living beings and on our environment. This exhibition AIMS to enlarge our human awareness of our own personal existence as human beings within at specific space and time.
Promoter: Global Art Affairs Foundation
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Orari e date
10:00-18:00 Tue
Closed Wed
10:00-18:00 Thu
10:00-18:00 Fri
10:00-18:00 Sat
10:00-18:00 Sun
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