From 14 Jan 2017 to 29 Jan 2017
Istituto Romeno di Venezia

Ion Creangă and his characters in Venice

Exhibition of graphics


The Romanian Institute of Culture and Humanistic Research in Venice, the National Museum of Romanian Literature, Iaşi (www.muzeulliteraturiiiasi) and l 'Association "patrimoniu pentru comunitate" Iaşi invite, on the occasion of the Romanian Culture Day at the opening of the exhibition graphic Ary Murnu "Ion Creangă and his characters in Venice", by Dr Andreea Tacu.

The exhibition presents illustrations of fairy tales and stories of Ion Creangă made by the famous Romanian graphic Ary Murnu, which are part of the heritage of the National Museum of Romanian Literature of Iaşi.

The exhibition will run in the New Gallery of the Romanian Institute of Culture and Humanistic Research in Venice January 14 to 29. The opening of the exhibition will be preceded by a reading of fairy tales by Ion Creangă evoked by the illustrations. The reading will be held in the "Marian Papahagi" room Romanian Institute of Culture and Humanistic Research in Venice, January 14, from 16.30.

The exhibition opens Year Anniversary Ion Creangă, 180 years after the writer's birth (1837-1889), and 150 years since the publication of the first issue of the magazine "Convorbiri literare" in the pages of which the writer made his debut in 1875, with the fairy tale mother-in-law and three daughters, and where he published most of his writings. fairy tales and stories illustrated by the more than 50 drawings by Ary Murnu presented at the exhibition are: the daughters of two old, Moro-White History, Danilo Cavicchio , the mother-in-law with three daughters, a lazy History, the purse with two nutshell and human folly. For the Italian text of the fairy tales you see: Ion Creangă, stories and memories of childhood, translation of Anna Chapman, introduction of Celestina Fanella , UTET, Torino 1982.

Of Aromanian origin, Ary Murnu (Aristomenes Gheorghiades Murnu) was a painter, illustrator of books and magazines and graphic. He born in Xanthi, in 1881, followed by the middle school and high school in Budapest and graduate studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Monaco of Bavaria, later in Iasi and Bucharest where he settled. He devoted his whole life to painting, caricature and illustration. He collaborated with various newspapers and magazines and drew illustrations for the works of many Romanian writers, including: Cezar Petrescu, Mihail Sadoveanu, Mihai Eminescu, Ion Creangă and Alexandru Vlahuţă.

Organizers: Romanian Institute of Culture and Humanistic Research in Venice, National Museum of Romanian Literature in Iaşi, Association "patrimoniu pentru comunitate" Iaşi.

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