The Horizontal Metropolis, Radical Project
Collateral event
"Metropolis Landscape" is an oxymoron that combines the traditional idea of Metropolis (the center of a vast territory, hierarchically organized, dense, vertical and produced by polarization processes) with that of horizontality (the idea of an urban condition diffuse, isotropic , in which the center and the periphery are mixed up).
Contrary to common positions that identify in urban dispersion only a phenomenon to counteract, the concept of Metropolis Horizontal considers the other hand, beyond the concept of "peri-urban", as a potential and not a limitation, for the construction of a project sustainable and innovative cities.
In these territories, the horizontality of the building systems, infrastructure and relationships, the widespread accessibility and hybrid land use characteristics are able to generate quality spaces and ecologically efficient.
The exhibition explores the Metropolis Horizontal, its spaces, its traditions and lifestyles of its inhabitants, its relevance today as energy issues, ecological and social. Explore, in a radical project, scenarios and strategies for recycling and upgrading of large city-region.
"Horizontal Metropolis" is an oxymoron to conjugate the traditional idea of Metropolis (the center of a vast territory, hierarchically organized, dense, vertical, produced by polarization) with horizontality (the idea of a common blackberries, isotropic urban condition, where center and periphery blur).
In contrast with the main trends of urban dispersion That see figures Mainly as a phenomenon to be contrasted, the Horizontal Metropolis concept consider them beyond the theme of "peri-urban" and as an asset, not a limit, for the construction of a sustainable and innovative territorial project.
Here horizontality of infrastructure, urbanity and relations, mixed use and widespread accessibility can generate specific habitable and ecologically efficient spaces. In this frame of thinking, the Horizontal Metropolis works as natural and spatial capital, as a support and place of potentiality.
The exhibition Investigates the Horizontal Metropolis, its space, its traditions and its Inhabitants' lifestyles, its relevance today as an energetic, ecological and social design issue, it explores scenarios and design strategies for the re-cycling and upgrading of cities-territory in a radical project.
Promoter: Archizoom EPFL
Sponsorizzato da
Orari e date
Closed Tue
10:00-18:00 Wed
10:00-18:00 Thu
10:00-18:00 Fri
10:00-18:00 Sat
10:00-18:00 Sun
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