From 28 May 2016 to 27 Nov 2016
Calle San Giovanni

Architecture for the People, by the People

Collateral event

Architecture for the People, by the People


In the era in which architecture is increasingly includes the self TMOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art in Tehran) offers this exhibition organized by the Family Foundation Faiznia four different points of view:

- The contribution by the Faryar Javaherian "Architecture at TMOCA: the museum and the permanent collection" exposes the architecture of the museum building and the works that it presents, in a very tight container-contained combination. Very significant work of Parviz Kalantari on mud and straw buildings of the desert town of Kashan.

- The installation of Felice Ardito "NAKOJAABAD" (Nowhereland-populated or "Invisible Cities") is the artist's poetic point of view on the life of the city, its changes over time, and the effect that these have on the inhabitants "Because - as Ardito - are the cities to make the people!". The project includes the construction of two "Strings of Peace", one in Iran and one in Italy.

- Amir Anoushfar presents in renovated historic buildings of Kashan: the architecture of the past that lends itself to this!

- Cultural Heritage of East Azarbaijan presents "Tabriz Bazaar": the architecture made by people for people. During the period of the exhibition will be organized free workshops for children related to the issues of exposure: "fff and Cenzino for Kids".


In the architecture is presented in cui was always blackberries as self-referential, the TMOCA (Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art) offers four different viewpoints with this exhibition organized by the Faiznia Family Foundation:
- Faryar Javaherian's contribution "Architecture at TMOCA: the museum and the permanent collection" shows the architecture of the construction of the museum and the architecture That works it presents, a tight bond between container and content. Parviz Kalantari's works on mud and straw architectures of Kashan desert cities are very significant.
- Felice Ardito's artistic installation "NAKOJAABAD" (Nowhereland-populated or "the invisible cities') is the poetic point of view of the artist about the cities Life, Their transformation in time, and the result they have on Their Inhabitants," Because - as Ardito says- it is the city That makes the people! ". The project includes the realization of two "Arches of Peace", one in Iran and the other one in Italy.
-Amir Anoushfar presents the renovated historical buildings of Kashan: the architecture of the past That suits the present.
-Cultural Heritage of East Azarbaijan presents "Tabriz Bazaar": Architecture made by people for people.
Free workshops for children about the exhibition themes are organized During the running period of the exhibition: "fff and Cenzino for Kids".

Informazioni aggiuntive

Promoter: Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art

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E.g., 08/02/2025

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