From 18 Apr 2016 to 31 Jul 2016
Le Stanze del Vetro

The architects of the glass. Vienna 1900-1937

il vetro degli architetti


A collaboration between the MAK in Vienna and ROOMS OF GLASS

edited by Rainald Franz, Glass and Ceramics Collection, MAK Vienna

With over 300 works, mostly from the MAK in Vienna, THE ROOMS OF GLASS dedicating the spring exhibition at the genesis of modern glass art in Austria between the end of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the First Republic.

On show are the protagonists of the Viennese Modernism glazing, such as Josef Hoffmann, Koloman Moser, Joseph Maria Olbrich, Leopold Bauer, Otto Prutscher, Oskar Strnad, Oswald Haerdtl and Adolf Loos. The exhibition will focus for the first time the genesis of modern glass art in Austria between 1900 and 1937, a very fervent period between the last decades of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the First Republic.

At the turn of 1900, a group of young architects and designers, students of academies and schools of architecture, he developed a special interest in glass processing. Protagonists of Viennese Modernism, such as Josef Hoffmann (1870-1956), Koloman Moser (1868-1918), Joseph Maria Olbrich (1867-1908), Leopold Bauer (1872-1938), Otto Prutscher (1880-1949), Oskar Strnad ( 1879-1935), Oswald Haerdtl (1899-1959) and Adolf Loos (1870-1933), now famous throughout the world, opened the way to the early pioneering developments in modern glass production, working near the furnace in order to understand at the bottom of the material. The collaboration between architects and designers and the integration of these innovations in the production, in collaboration with the Viennese glassmakers and intermediaries such as J. & L. Lobmeyr and E. & L. Bakalowits, or in direct contact with specialized agencies, such as of Steinschönau, they created the Glass Viennese style. This style was introduced successfully into new projects such as the "Wiener Werkstätte" innovative manufacturing community related to the design world who developed further the outcomes of the Vienna Secession, Arts and Crafts, Art Nouveau, Art Nouveau, Jugendstil towards a new classicism, or the "Werkbund" movement born with the aim to "dignify" the work of producers and encourage collaboration between art, craft and industry.

The architects of the glass. Vienna 1900-1937, through the combination of glassware, and their projects with images that document the production, design and exhibitions that were made, will revive stunning impressions that these objects so radically modern, created in public . Texts and critical time will support the crucial role he played for the Modernists Austrians the choice of glass as a material particularly suitable to satisfy the search for new forms, surfaces and expressions. The exhibition also will look also to the impact that the Austrian had in Venetian glass and Italian glass design.

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