What happened to the document? Study day
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What happened to the document?
Study day
This is the question that is the underlying theme at Study Day to be held at Palazzo Fortuny next November 29. Document is shared every sign that has a personal meaning, regardless of the medium on which it is registered. Document, then, is the bureaucratic writing that records our personal data, but also a sign that we ourselves decide to bring engraved on our skin. The document sets in motion the ability to record something, to commemorate, to turn it into a monument or in the very foundation of our memories, dreams, visions, to make the material witness who undermines verbal language. Document is the recorded voice of the poets who see the presence of the author, but also the falsification of Stalin's Russia. Finally you can not query on the document archive without speaking, how we build, how you preserve the documentary materials that make it up, whether it's traditional artwork or remains of installations or performances. The answers to the original question, What happened to the document ?, are multiple and have different approaches: semiotics art history, psychology, phenomenology, with archiving and preservation of cultural heritage.
The event is organized by, as well as the director of the Fortuny Museum, Daniela Ferretti, which hosts the event, Professor at Ilia Pittarello of the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage of the University Ca 'Foscari Venezia, prof. Jorge Lozano University Complutense of Madrid and the Bonotto Foundation.
- 10:00 Welcome and start of work
Gabriella Belli, Civic Museums Foundation of Venice, Building an Archive
Jorge Lozano, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, the document as a monument?
Patrick Peterlini, Fondazione Bonotto, documents and relics in the art of '900
Sonia Puccetti Caruso, Luciano Caruso Archive, I thought of them when I was alive ... (E. Pound)
- 14:30 jobs Shooting
Valeria Burgio, Free University of Bolzano / Bozen Free University, Document or clue? The authenticity levels witnessed object
Alessandro Mistrorigo, Ca 'Foscari University of Venice, Listen to the voice of the poets
Lorena Preta, Italian Psychoanalytic Society (SPI), International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA) A document that is altered and resisting. psychic transformations of reality.
Claudio Strinati, Ministry of Heritage and Culture, Documents !!!
Silvia Burini, Ca 'Foscari University of Venice, The Commissioner has disappeared. The mystification of photographs and art in Stalin's Russia
Paolo Fabbri, CISS, International Centre Semiotics, University of Urbino The sign integumentary. Tattoos from fashion to arts.
- 18:00 Closing session
Free admission subject to availability of seats available
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