05 Feb 2017 Hour 17:00
Campo San Giacomo dall'Orio

Welcome to Venice + Anez live

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Metricubi and fronds together with Casa Cross Stitch invite you to a day all to share!
The appointment is at 17 in Campo San Giacomo for those who do not know the road or directly to Casa Cross Point, where we expect Welcome to Venice, curated by Fronde.
Will follow, from 19, the usual true dinner prepared from the kitchen of the house, and at 20:45 we will walk together toward Campiello delle Erbe for the only Italian concert of psycotronici Añez.


Promoted by the Fronde to explore the city together its present.
Short retrospective documentary on Venice + chat to find out experiences and points of view.
What and who is in Venice now?

Añez (Hungary) | live @ Metricubi

The Añez are a Budapest electronic duo with a strong propensity performative.
If the voice of Anesz Szalai (including keyboards and sampler) can not but bring to mind the stamp of Björk, the packaged music with Zoltan Demeter (low, keyboards and sampler) are never too abstracted from an indie-Electronic- pop magnetic and solid rhythmically.
Silly melodies ever meet creative sound research in a format song that gives the best in live performances.

Programme summary:

- 17 hours meeting in Campo San Giacomo for Welcome to Venice organized by Fronde
- 19 hours dinner
- 21-hour concert at Añez Metricubi

Informazioni aggiuntive

meeting 17 hours - free admission
hour concert 21 - admission € 3 with Arci card

input Metricubi reserved for members Arci

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E.g., 26/01/2025

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