Venetian wines and vineyards
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The Hotel Saturnia & International and 'pleased to host the' Association 'La Laguna in Glass-Le Vigne discovered' that will present 'the work and commitment that dedicates every day to create a unique product, the traditional wine of Laguna, got the rediscovered and cultivated vineyards between Sant'Erasmo, Vignole, San Michele, the Zitelle, the Discalced, the Tana and Malamocco, some of which are housed in former convents.
The passion of the members has resulted in the award for Civilta 'del Vino received by the Masi Foundation. Theirs' a company that aims to safeguard the landscape and the Lagoon of Venice material culture, which thanks to numerous volunteers and associates, made it possible to revive the vineyards of Venice.
At the end followed by a tasting of the wines of the Association.
Free admission on reservation, subject to availability.
And 'it asked to confirm by November 14 at or at 041/5208377
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