16 Nov 2016 Hour 18:30

Trespassing # 2 - Where flowing green Drina

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Cubic meters, in collaboration with the 'Association Good morning Bosnia, the Alexander Langer Foundation and the Coop Alliance support 3.0 is proud to host Wednesday, November 16 the second round of review without Borders, traveling to three stops along the Balkan ridge, through its borders and its changing identity with:

Places, borders, furniture and plural identities.

The Balkans has always been a land border and boundaries where cultures, religions, peoples, languages, have been confronted, clashed, stir. Understand the complexity, listen to different stories, think about the role and the way in which the individual and collective memory is transmitted are fundamental to put us on the road to a possible coexistence.
We spoke with Andrea Rizza Goldstein of the Alexander Langer Foundation of Bolzano

Rizza Andrea Goldstein, works for the Alexander Langer Foundation as coordinator of the project Adopt Srebrenica in Bosnia-Herzegovina. He collaborates with the magazine "A City" Forlì with reportage and insights on Bosnia-Herzegovina and in 2014 was co-curator of Osmače and Brezani dossier, published in-depth Foundation Benetton Studi Ricerche the International Carlo Scarpa Prize for the Garden in 2014, assigned to the two villages in the Municipality of Srebrenica.
He has made some photographic exhibitions including:
2007 Ne zaboravimo. Do not forgetSrebrenica, Circle Photo Tina Modotti Bolzano / Muflone ​​Rosa;
2010 Huruma, Nairobi, Bolzano Crystal Theatre;
2012 Dosta! Bosnia-Herzegovina twenty years later, Venice Scoletta de 'Calegheri;
2015 Musa Dagh. The places of Armenian resistance, Bolzano Crystal Theatre;
2016 I do not hate / Ja ne mrzim. The story of Zijo, Treviso Benetton Study and Research Foundation.

Following statistical aperitif prepared by Dapes

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info: metricubi@gmail.com

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