Treasure hunt with a map of the museum
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The treasure hunt, which will be held at 11:00 am by Severina Bortolato, is an initiative of the Center for Educational Services of the museum and the MiBACT territory in collaboration with the Oriental Art Museum, with the project "Discover your museum" offers fun and exciting opportunity to educate children and adults in our priceless heritage.
The event is held in conjunction with the monthly promotion Mibact Sunday at the museum with free admission every first Sunday of the month in all state places of culture and art, of course, including our collection.
We wait armed with cameras and smartphones to take many pictures to share on social pages with the Museum and the hashtags Mibact @museitaliani and #febbraioalmuseo.
Suitable for ages 5 to 10 years.
Free admission to the only Oriental Art Museum.
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