24 Sep 2016 Hour 18:00
Museo di Torcello

Torcello. a lost city history

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On the occasion of European Heritage Days EHD, the City of Venice Underground in collaboration with San Servolo Services Ltd., to promote the island of Torcello art and culture organizes a historical and archaeological walk in the island of Torcello with particular reference to excavations on site visit to the Torcello museum.

Animated by multitudes of visitors throughout the day, at dusk Torcello becomes an open-air museum where time seems to have miraculously stopped and where the story starts to scream with his deafening silence. Here's myths and legends alongside historical and archaeological survey revealing details of this island that often remain hidden. The museum in its two archaeological, Medieval and modern sections collects relics and artifacts able to tell the story of Torcello and its links with the East and the West, always revealing new details and curious able to surprise every time.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Visit and entrance to the museum free of charge, on request: e-mail: torcello.eventi@cittametropolitana.ve.it; Tel .: 041.2765001; Cell .: 348-8814419

Meeting pier ACTV Torcello at 18.00, lasting an hour and 30 minutes, followed spritz price agreement at the "typical Venetian Taverna".

The Museum of Torcello will remain open to the public with free admission until 20:30.

For important information and program updates:
Tel. 041-2765457 Office hours
Cell. 348-8814419

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