Conferences Marciane 2017
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Conferences Marciane 2017
Now it is the fifth consecutive year the collaboration between Marciana National Library and Study Center Torcello offering citizenship to a new series of lectures with the theme Torcello and Venice's lagoon in its many aspects, historical, artistic and archaeological heritage.
The scientifically correct style but at the same time informative class, as well as the expertise of the many speakers and the variety of subjects covered, have high recognition from a significant appreciation of audiences and critics, also increased by the beauty salon where conferences are held. The theme this year, "TORCELLO 3000 YEARS OF HISTORY", he wants to focus primarily, but not exclusively, on the ancient history of Torcello and the relationship of this ancient city with other contemporary centers of the Adriatic. Particularly the conference will investigate fields of study away from traditional research in order to propose a chronological reflection on the various events that have had starring this lagoon city that now looks like an open air museum.
- Thursday, January 19, 17:00
Presentation of the first three volumes of Venetia / Venice necklace: Lessons Marciane 2013-14, Spolia itself spolia in D, Patavium Augustan. Greeting by Maurizio Messina, Director of the Marciana National Library. Chair: Lorenzo Braccesi, University of Padua. There will be the curators: Magdalena Bassani, Monica Centanni, Marco Molin, Luigi Sperti, Francesca Veronese.
It presents: Maurizio Crovato, journalist and writer.
- Thursday, February 16, 17:00
"The Mycenaeans in the lagoon."
Greeting by Maurizio Messina, Director of the Marciana National Library. Conference Lorenzo Braccesi, University of Padua.
- Thursday, March 23, 17:00
"Strabo, Altino and the Venetian lagoon arc."
Greeting by Maurizio Messina, Director of the Marciana National Library. Flavio conference Raviola and Maddalena Bassani, University of Padua.
- Thursday, April 27, 17:00
"The Princess and the dew. Romanism and bizantinità in the original. "
Greeting by Maurizio Messina, Director of the Marciana National Library. Sauro Gelichi Conference, University Ca 'Foscari of Venice.
19 January to 27 April 2017
Salon of the Library Sansoviniana- Piazzetta San Marco 13 / a, Venice
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