27 Oct 2016 Hour 18:00
Istituto Romeno di Venezia

"Sulina", the gateway to the world the Romanian economy

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L 'Romanian Institute of Culture and Humanistic Research in Venice, the institute that conducts its business in the famous Italian cities of art, with the support of' Romanian Cultural Institute in Bucharest, organizes the conference "Sulina, the gateway to the world of 'Romanian economy ", held by Prof. Constantin Ardeleanu (University of Southern Danube Galaţi / fellow of the New Europe College in Bucharest / researcher in charge in the framework of a research project of the University of Utrecht), followed by the screening of the documentary film "Sulina".

The rapporteur will present to the relevant aspects hearers of the historical path of the multicultural and multiethnic city of Sulina, port of call that formed the gateway to the world the Romanian economy in the period between the full liberalization of cargo shipping in the Black Sea basin, which occurred as a direct result of Treaty of Adrianople (1829), and the entry of Romania in the Great War in 1916. the conference will contribute to better understanding the contribution that ethnic communities of Sulina gave to the economic and urban development of the Romanian port city between Eight and twentieth century. The speaker is one of the most active and competent scholars of the history of the Romanian port cities of southern Danube, professor of history of late modern age and the first contemporary age at the Danube University of Southern Galaţi, author of the book "International Trade and Diplomacy at the Lower Danube: the Sulina Question and the Economic Premises of the Crimean War, "Istros Publishing the Museum of Brăila" Carol I ", Brăila 2014.

In closing the conference will be projected the film "Sulina" documentary film was born from the restructuring in historical-critical key contemporary newsreels and varied photographs taken in the Romanian port city from the period between the two world wars and up to the 40s of the twentieth century. The documentary is a cosmopolitan environment fresco, multicultural and multiethnic city of Sulina, one of the main ports through which occurred at the time the export of goods from Romania to the European markets. The communities of the Romanian river port lived in an urban universe in which the various cultures developed in an organic way and ensued considerable progress in the economic, social and cultural development through the efforts of an active entrepreneurial class and local intelligentsia, influencing each other and living together in a climate of economic and cultural vitality that marked important milestones in the modernization and economic progress, social and institutional of the Old Kingdom and then the Great Romania. The contribution of the European Commission of the Danube to the modernization and maintenance of large river artery, healing drainage and regularization of the navigable course of the Danube, had a direct impact on the Sulina urban life, especially on infrastructure development, starting and the strengthening of the rules relating to urbanization and the management of public works. Not surprisingly, during the period when the European Commission of the Danube there had its headquarters, Sulina lived decades of remarkable economic development and cultural growth.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Thursday, October 27, 2016, at 18.00, in the Hall "Marian Papahagi"

The entrance to the conference room is free until all available seats.

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