03 Nov 2016 Hour 20:00
Libreria MarcoPolo - Campo S. Margherita

"On the smaller islands" Lorenza Pieri

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"Smaller islands" Lorenza Pieri, meeting with the author

With Lorenza Pieri talks Roberto Ferrucci

A story that has lasted four decades and has as a geographical, political and sentimental the island of Giglio. A place seemingly heavenly and away from the rest of the world, but that becomes a starting point and arrival of events that mark a family history and at the same time the history of the country.

Two sisters born in the seventies on an island with fewer than a thousand inhabitants, a combative mother and hedonistic father, a partisan grandmother, a wild boy. Teresa, youngest daughter and narrator, will try to escape to find his place in the world, but the island will inevitably come back to do the math, as well as will have to do it with the detachment from the beloved and enthralling sister, with the political events who has not lived but continue to haunt, with the nostalgia of the long summer that has been his childhood, with his "minority", whose acceptance is the key to retrieve everything from which it seemed necessary to flee.
Suspended between Bildungsroman, family saga, parable about the last forty years of Italian history, Lorenza Pieri novel is an intense book and bright, where the language has the magnetic force of the wild nature and the sea that inspired it.

Lorenza Pieri was born in Lugo di Romagna, and he spent his childhood island of Giglio. After university studies in Siena and Paris has been working for fifteen years in publishing (Einaudi and minimum fax). He has participated in several anthologies and literary magazines and is the author of the memoir Very large, incredibly close (Doppiozero, 2013). It is literary translator from French. He collaborates with the magazine Linus. He lives with his family in the United States.
smaller islands is his first novel, being published in Germany and Israel.

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