Mindful Hands. series of lectures
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At the extraordinary exhibition dedicated to the collection of pages, clippings and illuminated manuscripts of the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, open until 8 January, it proposes a series of conversations with experts and historians, to deepen the various aspects related to ' art of miniature: from technical to artistic functions of use, from the historical context of the liturgy, until the history of collecting.
The first meeting "Material and miniature enforcement proceedings", Tuesday, November 8, at 16:30, will be held by prof. Paolo Bensi, University of Genoa, known specialist in artistic techniques and diagnostics applied to cultural heritage; the topic discussed will cover the materials themselves and the miniature playing techniques.
- Tuesday, November 8
Materials and enforcement procedures of the thumbnail
Paolo Bensi | University of Genoa
- Tuesday, 15 November
The Vittorio Cini collection of miniatures: origin of the collection and the masterpieces of Ferrara school
Federica Toniolo | University of Padua
- Thursday, November 24
The legacy of Giotto in the Tuscan miniature of the fourteenth century
Ada Labriola | historian, Florence
- Thursday, 1 December
The miniature in Bologna in the fourteenth and fifteenth century. The influence of Giotto to tardogotico
Massimo Medica | Director of the Civic Museums of Ancient Art of Bologna
- Tuesday, December 6
The 'good death'. The martyrology of the Beaten Blacks Ferrara between art and atonement
Cristina Guarnieri | University of Padua
- Tuesday, December 13
The miniature in Florence in the fifteenth century
Francesca Masi | historian, Pisa
- Thursday, 15 December
Umbrian illuminators, Abruzzo and Naples in the Cini collection
Francesca Manzari | University of Rome La Sapienza
- Tuesday, December 20
The Offiziolo of Charles VIII and thumbnails of Milan Sforza age of Cini collection
Pier Luigi Mulas | The University of Pavia
- Thursday, 22 December
InCanto harmonies. Music and liturgy from the illuminated fragments of the Cini collection
Stefania Roncroffi | musicologist, Reggio Emilia
Concert will follow with Advent and Christmas Gregorian chants sang by the Choir of the monks of San Giorgio Maggiore at the choir of the Basilica of St. George.
Participation in the meetings is free
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