"Mestre, Venice kisses hugs bickering betrayals."
Pierluigi Rizziato
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Andrea Mazzanti, journalist and publisher
meets PIERLUIGI RIZZIATO, author of the book "Mestre, Venice, kisses, hugs, bickering and betrayals." (Mazzanti books).
The island of the statues, which will never be? And Julius Caesar, Attila, Marco Polo, two popes, kings and rulers from all over Europe, well-known artists such as Canaletto, Bernardo Bellotto, the Cima da Conegliano, Giacomo Casanova, Napoleon Bonaparte, Carlo Goldoni, Giuseppe Verdi and Giuseppe Garibaldi: what have they ever had to do with Mestre? It's what you discover reading these twenty-one stories, ranging from prehistory to the present, they tell of many, constant, ever-present plots that there have been between the two cities bordering on this side and beyond the lagoon. Curious episodes and parallel events, stories mostly read, but sometimes even the series and with dramatic implications, which have consistently and in turn strengthened or loosened the bonds between Mestre and Venice. To reveal to us that when the two cities is administered each on their own were more hugs and kisses that bickering and betrayals.
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