Madalina Antal Vernissage
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Veneto Factory, in collaboration with the Flat Mestre Association inaugurated the exhibition by Chiara Biasi dedicated to collage work of the young artist Madalina Antal.
Inspired by the great Surrealist masters Madalina Antal is guided by image overlays that give life to works of dream and illogical collage estrange reality and leave clearly shows the influence of Max Ernst and René Magritte.
Through the image of this personal distorted reality there is the artist's intention to express a message that is not always be universal and unique but leaves the viewer free to interpret the work, deciphering the message intended by the artist or having the ability to create your own.
Although most of the works born from a digital path which includes a long Madalina research phase, however, remains faithful to the philosophy and the paper process as you can see in the small works on display.
The event will coincide with the first opening of the Flat for this season and the evening will be music by Dionysios Kourkoutas and the same Madalina Antal, who played to imagine a musical environment inspired by collageart Madalina.
The performance will last 25 minutes, after which will follow the clear viewing of the works.
Madalina Antal studied design at the State Art School M. Guggenheim.
Currently studying restoration UIA / Giudecca
Among the exhibitions held remember
Blitz Art Show 2014 / Carmini - Venice
Toads in Freedom 2015 - Noale
Faro Psych Festival 2015
Furthermore Some of collage were used for cover of CD and printed vinyls
The Flat is a now famous music venue that almost ten years dedicates its space to musicians of all sorts, national and international with an especially attentive to the quality of the artistic proposal. This exhibition inaugurates a new concept: create a social point of meeting built around a multidisciplinary cultural program and thick.
The entrance is at the vernissage of the free offer, required ARCI (reduced cost for new members 2016)
vernissage starts with refreshments 20:00
Concert starts at 22:00
The exhibition will be stable at Flat 7 to 28 October 2016
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