28 Oct 2016 Hour 20:00
Libreria MarcoPolo - Campo S. Margherita

"The lords of food" by Stefano Liberti

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The lords of the food - Stefano Liberti, meeting with the author

With the author will talk Maria Fiano

According to UN forecasts, in 2050 we will be 9 billion people on Earth. How will we feed ourselves, if resources are increasingly scarce and the inhabitants of iperpopolati countries like China are suddenly changing eating habits? Global finance, together with the food multinational, has sensed the deal: the overpopulation business.
After South of Lampedusa and the international success of Land grabbing, Stefano Liberti presents us an important report that follows the chain of four food - pork, soybeans, canned tuna and tomato concentrate - to observe what happens in a sector devoured by the aggressiveness of finance who has decided to transform the planet into a gigantic meal.
Global two-year investigation, the Brazilian from the Amazon, where the endless monocultures of soybeans are destroying the largest factory of the Earth's biodiversity mega-vessels scour and plunder the oceans to ensure more and cheaper cans of tuna, from industrial farms of pigs in the United States in a futuristic Chinese slaughterhouse until the Puglia countryside, where Ghanaians workers harvesting tomatoes that first cultivated in their lands in Africa.
A survey that sheds light on the power play that regulate the food market, dominated by a few huge players more determined to control what we eat and grind monumental profits.

Stefano Liberti (1974) public by years of international politics reportage on various Italian and foreign magazines. For minimum fax wrote South of Lampedusa. Five years of travel on the routes of migrants with which he won the Premio Indro Montanelli and Land grabbing. As the land market creates new colonialism, translated in more than ten countries.
converses with the author Maria Fiano

According to UN forecasts, in 2050 we will be 9 billion people on Earth. How will we feed ourselves, if resources are increasingly scarce and the inhabitants of iperpopolati countries like China are suddenly changing eating habits? Global finance, together with the food multinational, has sensed the deal: the overpopulation business.

After South of Lampedusa and the international success of Land grabbing, Stefano Liberti presents us an important report that follows the chain of four food - pork, soybeans, canned tuna and tomato concentrate - to observe what happens in a sector devoured by the aggressiveness of finance who has decided to transform the planet into a gigantic meal.

Global two-year investigation, the Brazilian from the Amazon, where the endless monocultures of soybeans are destroying the largest factory of the Earth's biodiversity mega-vessels scour and plunder the oceans to ensure more and cheaper cans of tuna, from industrial farms of pigs in the United States in a futuristic Chinese slaughterhouse until the Puglia countryside, where Ghanaians workers harvesting tomatoes that first cultivated
in their lands in Africa.

A survey that sheds light on the power play that regulate the food market, more and more intent on controlling dominated by a few huge players in what we eat and grind profits

This survey was carried out with the support of Charlemagne and Coop Onlus Foundation.

Stefano Liberti (1974) public by years of international politics reportage on various Italian and foreign magazines. For minimum fax wrote South of Lampedusa. Five years of travel on the routes of migrants with which he won the Premio Indro Montanelli and Land grabbing. As the land market creates new colonialism, translated in more than ten countries.

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