From 10 Feb 2017 to 24 Feb 2017
Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana

The literature in Venezia Giulia and Dalmatia from the classic to the contemporary world


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Day of Remembrance 2017 "Literature in Venezia Giulia and Dalmatia from the classical to the contemporary world"

cycle of three meetings: 10, 17, 24 February 2017 Venice, Sansovino Library (Piazzetta San Marco 13 / a)

For the second consecutive year, the National Marciana Library is organizing, in February 2017, a series of three conferences on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance of the exodus Julian-Dalmatian (Italian National Civil solemnity established in 2004 and commemorated 10 February): a appointment that wants to become permanent.

Venezia Giulia - that is, the Gorizia, the Trieste, Istria and the city of Rijeka - and Dalmatia, which is the eastern Adriatic coastal region - add up the richness and complexity of the border regions between different geographical worlds, ethnic, cultural. They were part until the classical age of the Italian political-cultural or this afferent; in the diversity of their respective events always gravitated in the wider area of ​​the Adriatic and the Mediterranean until the Second World War, which profoundly changed the face.

This year's cycle is dedicated to literature, in a long-term perspective which involves the entire history of the region. Already present in Greek and Latin literature, the eastern Adriatic lands were then forge a rich and particular production of Italian literature, as works in other languages ​​of the region, resulting in the symbiosis Slavic romance which is the original fruit of the region . Which also gave the protagonists of the nineteenth century and twentieth-century Italian literature. The dramatic events of the last war and the exodus of Italians have finally given rise to an important literary production of memory, suffering, witness, memories and hopes. The meetings, every Friday at 17.00 with free entrance until all the seats available, will be held in the vestibule of the Sansovino Library (Piazzetta San Marco 13 / a, Venice).


- Friday, February 10, 17:00

Bruno Crevato-Selvaggi (Dalmatian Society of Homeland History, Rome): Venezia Giulia and Dalmatia. Contemporary literature and exodus. Greeting by Maurizio Messina (Director of the National Library Marciana).

- Friday, February 17, 17:00

Rita Ptolemy ( "Sapienza" University of Rome), Venezia Giulia and Dalmatia. The age of Venetian literature and Habsburg. Greeting by Maurizio Messina (Director of the National Library Marciana).

- Friday, February 24, 17:00

Ivan Matijasic (University Ca 'Foscari, Venice, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster), Venezia Giulia and Dalmatia. Classical literature. Greeting by Maurizio Messina (Director of the National Library Marciana).


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