09 Nov 2016 Hour 18:00
Casa dei Tre Oci

Guided tours of the Director

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Wednesday, November 9 at 18 is held the third meeting of the guided tours by artistic director cycle of Casa dei Tre Oci, Denis Curti, the "Utopia" shows Rene Burrii and "The Ghetto Venice 500 years after" by Ferdinando Scianna. unmissable opportunity to discover more than 100 works by René Burri, dedicated to architecture and its protagonists, and 50 unpublished photographs in black and white by Ferdinando Scianna, who made a documentary in style street photography on Jewish Ghetto Venice on the occasion of the fifth centenary of its foundation.
The appointment with Denis Curti allows full visit to the exhibitions and offer thematic ideas on certain aspects of the work of two great photographers, both members of the prestigious Magnum Photos, through the study, on the one hand, of Burri trips on the trail of the great architects of the twentieth century (Le Corbusier, Oscar Niemeyer, by Mario Botta Renzo Piano, Tadao Ando to Richard Meier) and, secondly, of the poetic Scianna in search of traces of the past in the oldest Ghetto in Europe.

Informazioni aggiuntive

To participate you must book by sending an email to info@treoci.org.

The cost of the tour is 25 euro, inclusive of admission.

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