Epiphany 2017 family, Befane bottled!
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On January 6, 2017 at 16 pm there will be a special event reserved for families: BEFANE BOTTLE!
During the tour of the exhibition "PaoloVenini and his furnace" reserved for parents, children (5-10 years) will follow a unique path, dedicated to Epiphany. Taking a cue from the illuminated pages of the exhibition "MindfulHands. The illuminated masterpieces of the Giorgio Cini Foundation ", from which the children will start their path to continue to ROOMS OF GLASS, participants will end the experience with a workshop in which will be part of the colorful anthropomorphic bottles designed by GioPonti for Venini ( photos) that on this occasion will take on the appearance of many small ... witches!
Limited seats. The activity is FREE ON RESERVATION by 3 January 2017, 800 662 477 (Mon-Fri from 10 to 17), artsystem@artsystem.it.
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