10 Feb 2017 Hour 20:00
Libreria MarcoPolo - Campo S. Margherita

Dangerous are the other

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Dangerous are the other.
Conversation around the legal psychiatric devices of social control of deviance.

Mario Colucci, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and editor of ultimatum
Peppe Dell'Acqua, a psychiatrist and director of the Series 180, Archive critic of Mental Health
Anna Poma, curator of the Festival of Fools

We build walls, technologies and institutions to protect us from what violates our world order. But between this order and what denies it we do not know what came first: we only know that, on the stage of history, the "different" new face, status and size in the mirror of knowledge that talk about it and powers designed to control it. We know that, over the past two centuries, deviance still extends throughout the convergence disciplines - medical, psychiatric, psychological, legal, politically and multiply the mappings of "danger" as the subjugation devices of lives. In particular, the equation insanity / mental-health-hazard inability of consent is based on the theoretical and practical level the need of psychiatric hospitals and the criminal asylums where law and democracy have no access.

We'll talk about this away from essays by Mario Colucci and Peppe Dell'Acqua out on 370 of the magazine Aut Aut Philosophy entitled "Individuals dangerous, risk society", June 2016

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