17 Sep 2016 Hour 15:00
Punta della Dogana

Creative will be you!

Workshop for children

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Also this year we will celebrate the return from vacation, and the resumption of activities for children with a large workshop at the Teatrino di Grassi Palace!

"Creativo be you!" Is presented by A4Adesign, design studio specializing in the design and manufacture of recycled cardboard objects. Starting from the observation of cardboard installation, small participants will plunge into a design workshop that will culminate in the construction of a large collective work of architecture.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Information and reservations
Saturday, September 17, 15 hours at the Teatrino di Palazzo Grassi.

Workshop for children aged 6 to 10 years. Free participation.
Reservations are required: 041 2401304 / education@palazzograssi.it

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