26 Jan 2017 Hour 18:00
Biblioteca Civica di Mestre Villa Erizzo | VEZ

"Confiscateli. Stories of mafias and rebirth"


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Second meeting of the Review Wise Narratives in VEZ

Alessandro Naccarato, a member of the parliamentary anti-mafia commission, meets
FRANCESCO TROTTA, author of "Confiscateli. Stories of mafias and rebirth" Falco Editore, 2016

the mafias talk is never easy, even less so is talk about mafia, real minefield, under whose "flag" often lurk interests and are hovering just clear characters, attracted by power and prestige it confers membership to a particular deployment. The Mafia, the power system, it nestles in the State ganglia and today, in a very delicate moment in history and unique however, it was realized, maybe later, that even the so-called anti-mafia has been "infiltrated" by men of honor. From cooperatives to associations, from public funds to the confiscated property. There is nothing that apparently can be saved from the tentacles of the Cosa Nostra, 'Ndrangheta and Camorra. From Sicily to Lombardy or the Veneto, the assets confiscated from the mafia are everywhere and almost no one knows them. The seized assets are now outposts of something that it is hard to design. Yet it could be a lever to bring down the foundations of the mafia feuds. For this, one of confiscated property is a game that is tempting to many. But you have to win. Only in this way what is a "human phenomenon" - so said Giovanni Falcone mafia - will have an end.

Francesco Trotta (Treviso, January 5, 1986) graduated in Contemporary History at the University Ca 'Foscari of Venice, then he plays the Criminology Master criticism, prevention and social security at the University of Padua, finally obtained a master's degree in Applied Criminology for the investigation and safety at the University Roberto Ruffilli of Forli. He has collaborated with SAO (Saveria Antioch Observatory Anti-mafia) in Milan and other independent networks. He currently works with the International Water Culture Centre in Venice and is co-founder of Start up your What, for which deals with issues relating to the fight against the mafia.


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