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Franco Mussida
the new audio library project
A project by Franco Mussida and CPM Music Institute, in collaboration with the SIAE, the Department of Social Sciences, University of Pavia, the Ministry of Justice and with the 'High Patronage of the Presidency of the Republic.
Arrives at the Prison of S. Maria Maggiore in Venice the innovative audio library searchable by moods that offers listening to the music as a natural and restful access key to a world of emotions and feelings repressed by holding and inner discomfort .
After three years of experimentation and subsequent scientific assessments of data gathered from four Italian prisons, comes to CO2 is time to officially inaugurate the new spaces of interior freedom offered to all prisoners of 8 new Italian prisons. An important moment that offers a key which allows the music on that particular recording libraries to be stimulus for personal emotional world and at the same time educational tool - trattamentale.
After the moments of formation destined to educators, prison officers and cultural workers from each institution, CO2 will be presented through a series of events-show inside the 12 prisons involved.
The dell'audioteca functions and its purpose in prison will be presented through a show with live musical moments that will see protagonist Franco Mussida, plays and some video projection. Easy and direct way to incentivize the use dell'audioteca by identifying the emotional state evoked by the music heard. Detainees are then involved in an interactive game which involves listening to live music and dell'audioteca. After listening inmates manifest their mood through the exhibition of special emoticons that represent them. They are the same as in the tablet giving access to the dell'audioteca songs database.
CO2, remember, it is an artistic and cultural project unique in its revolutionary way. Its purpose is to create a sound-recording libraries nationwide network in prisons that offer a different key listening instrumental music, transforming it into a tool to support and relief the affective structure of the detainees.
A project went into service in its experimental phase in 2013 thanks to the collaboration of the Ministry of Justice, involving about 100 investigators detained in the prisons of Monza, Opera, Rebibbia feminine and Secondigliano.
E 'was followed in its development, as well as by a scientific committee, also from the Department of Social Sciences of the University of Pavia.
And from 2017 on will of the Department of Penitentiary Administration of the Ministry of Justice, it will also be available at the prisons of Ancona, Genoa, Parma, Turin, Venice, Florence, Bologna and Milan (San Vittore).
CO2 responds to a request to Maestro Mussida, by the then President of the SIAE Gino Paoli, to think of music initiative to be realized in the prison context.
Franco Mussida response, which provides training for almost thirty years (it is 1988 in the San Vittore prison his first laboratory experiments on the effects of sound on the emotional structure), assisted by the CPM Music Institute of Milan, It was to structure and implement an educational motivational tool with trattamentale value for both prisoners and the educational psychology team.
CO2 has as its first un'audioteca-art tool that uses high technology applied to a specific listening process that provides the great emotional power of instrumental music in all forms, to offer prisoners the opportunity to live and perceive the primary value and essential part of their emotional structure, in order to resume interrupted emotional threads and limit the effects of hatred and resentment that in those extreme places you breathe every day.
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