04 Sep 2016 Hour 10:00
Ca' Foscari

Ca 'Foscari tour | Historical Regatta


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A few hours before the race, historical we propose the tour through the symbol spaces of Ca 'Foscari, the historical site of the University. It starts from the charming courtyards to continue with the exhibition of the Historical Fund where you can discover the history of the building and the University through unpublished archival documents. central part of the path the beautiful Aula Baratto designed by the Venetian architect Carlo Scarpa in the thirties and fifties of the twentieth century with its unique view of the Grand Canal. The tour ends at the land of Ca 'Foscari floor with the exit from the water gate on the vault of the canal where they are ending the preparations of Machina, the floating stage which houses the authorities during the course of the Historical Regatta.

- Guided tours in English 10:00
- Guided tours in Italian 11:30

Informazioni aggiuntive

Durata: 1 ora circa


Intero: 5.50 €
Ridotto: 4.50 €
Gratuito per studenti e dipendenti di Ca’ Foscari

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