30/10/2019 Ora 15:00
Fondamenta delle Zattere allo Spirito Santo



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PUBLIC PERFORMANCE of RJSaK at FUTUROMA followed by a guided tour at the exhibition in Italian and English language.

As commissioner of the FUTUROMA exhibition, an official collateral event of the 58th La Biennale di Venezia, ERIAC is honoured to present the new work of the Roma Jam Session art Kollektiv “CHROMA - THE FUTURE IS ROMA - We Pass The Mic To Europe.”

October 30, 2019 at 3p.m.
Fondamenta Zattere Allo Spirito Santo 417
Please join us after the performance for a glass of prosecco
The event is free of charge and is open to the public. No registration necessary.

To learn more about the exhibition, the artists and ERIAC, please see www.eriac.org/futuroma and http://romajamsession.org/de/

The program is part of the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture´s Tangible Heritage Network project. The Tangible Heritage Network is supported by the German Federal Foreign Office.

FUTUROMA was kindly supported by support by the Max Köhler Stiftung, The Alliance for the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture, Council of Europe, Open Society Foundations, Foundation for Arts Initiatives, Stiftung Kommunikationsaufbau, Fundata Michael Schmidt Schtiftung and UNAR.

The performance is support by Pro Helvetia and Stiftung Corymbo


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